Nous collaborons avec des instituts de recherche de premier plan pour ouvrir une nouvelle ère dans le domaine de la cardiologie diagnostique
La plateforme en ligne est très simple et conviviale. Après avoir téléchargé le signal ECG brut, nous avons accès à un rapport détaillé en quelques heures.
MD, PhD, Prof. Michael Kühne
Chef de clinique Fibrillation Auriculaire, Hôpital universitaire de Bâle, Suisse
Nous construisons des preuves cliniques solides pour déployer les avantages de l’IA dans la cardiologie diagnostique avec nos partenaires
The Gluco-Starve Study
Basel, Switzerland
The assessment of HRV in the context of understanding the impact of glucocorticoids on physiological adaptations to fasting.
Swiss Atrial Fibrillation Cohort Study (SWISS-AF)
Basel, Switzerland
The assessment of heart rhythm in the context of the complex relationship between atrial fibrillation, stroke, and systemic embolism.
AI for the investigation of cardiovascular disease risk among patients with and without HIV.
New York, United States and Tanzania, Africa
The assessment of cardiac arrhythmias in the context of guiding clinicians and shaping public health initiatives to reduce the cardiovascular disease burden in Africa
Effect of low levels of dysfunctional oxidized high-density lipoproteins on atrial fibrillation
Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany
The assessment of heart rhythm in the context of dysfunctional, oxidized high-density lipoprotein, an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease
The Gluco-Met Study
Basel, Switzerland
The assessment of HRV in the context of the dynamics of energy homeostasis during glucocorticoid excess in diabetic patients.
The Gluco-Feed Study
Basel, Switzerland
The assessment of HRV in the context of the impact of glucocorticoids on body weight regulation
ECG Algorithms for pediatric patients
Warsaw, Poland
The assessment of heart rhythm in the context of automatic analysis of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction patterns in pediatric patients