ESC Congress 2024 Is Coming
Meet Cardiomatics at ESC 2024

With more than 30,000 participants, the ESC Congress is by far the most important gathering for the cardiology community in Europe (and beyond). Actually, I do not recommend having any serious cardiac events between August 30th and September 2nd, as everyone will be in London at that time.

Cardiomatics has been a part of the Digital Health Area at ESC since the very first edition in Barcelona in 2017. We continue to believe that this is the right place to present our product developments and to meet with customers, partners, and old friends.

This year, there are at least two great reasons to connect (and celebrate) with our team in the Digital Health Area.

Premiere of Cardiomatics 6.0

Alex Habermeier, our Chief Product Officer, will be presenting the results of months of research and development, including one of the most anticipated features — edibility of annotation! Visit our booth to learn more.

Advanced Viewer screenshot

Our Latest Clinical Research

Our long-time collaborator, Adam Janas from American Heart of Poland, will present latests clinical study during session moderated by Rickey Carter from Mayo Clinic. The study was conducted together with David Duncker and Henrike Hillmann from Hannover Heart Rhythm Center.

Join us on Monday, September 2nd, from 12:00 to 12:50 at Station 8 of Moderated ePosters. See the details of the session in ESC Scientific Programme.

Book a Meeting with Us

Everyone’s calendar is getting busy as the Congress approaches. Find a convenient time slot to meet with Cardiomatics team during ESC in London. We look forward to meeting you there!

Meet Cardiomatics at ESC 2024