Guidelines For Algorithms
Guidelines for the development, evaluation, and implementation of AI-based prediction models in healthcare

Unlocking the potential of AI in healthcare, Cardiomatics adheres to stringent quality standards and regulations, ensuring patient privacy and data security. Through meticulous data preparation and continuous model assessment, we pioneer the development and implementation of AI-based prediction models in cardiology. Join us in revolutionizing healthcare and explore career opportunities with our dynamic team!

medical workers in home office
Enabling medical professionals to work from home

During the pandemic, many medical professionals shifted to remote work, facing challenges accessing necessary tools located in hospitals and clinics. Recognizing this need, organizations like the AMA and AHA praised telemedicine as a powerful solution. Cloud-based technologies and telehealth services support remote work for physicians, facilitating tasks like patient monitoring.
Remote healthcare extends to patients as well, with telemedicine enabling remote diagnosis and monitoring. Cardiomatics offers a solution for cardiology, allowing doctors to analyze ECGs anytime, anywhere, with precision and efficiency.
With solutions like Cardiomatics, both healthcare workers and patients can access quality care remotely.

Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) – why is it so important?

Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) holds promise for heart failure patients, but not all respond equally. Collaborating with the Medical University of Warsaw, we developed an AI algorithm to detect ineffective CRT pacing, potentially improving patient care. Our study involving 541 patients showed high sensitivity and precision in identifying effective CRT stimulation. Published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, our findings offer promising implications for optimizing CRT settings and enhancing patient outcomes.

Data overload in cardiology
Data overload in cardiology

In the rapidly evolving field of cardiology, managing the influx of scientific literature and patient data is a growing challenge. Technology, including AI, offers solutions to sift through vast amounts of data, aiding clinicians in diagnosis and therapy decisions. Cardiomatics provides automated ECG analysis, leveraging millions of clinical cases to deliver precise insights quickly, ultimately saving clinicians valuable time and improving patient care. Explore how Cardiomatics technology is revolutionizing cardiac care in the age of AI.

Cardiomatics raises $3.2 million in seed funding

Cameras and ECG machines share a similar trajectory of evolution from bulky, complex devices to compact, accessible tools. Just as mobile phones revolutionized photography, handheld ECG devices are becoming more ubiquitous, offering convenience and quality previously unavailable. AI and cloud technologies are poised to streamline data processing and analysis in both fields, bridging the gap between increasing data volume and limited expertise in healthcare.

Paving the way for better ECG analysis in children

Cardiomatics and the Medical University of Warsaw are collaborating to develop Cardiomatics Junior, an innovative tool for automatic assessment of ECG signals in children. By utilizing AI-based algorithms, this project aims to revolutionize paediatric cardiology diagnostics, potentially reducing analysis time to 5 minutes and improving accessibility to Holter monitor testing for young patients. Supported by the National Centre for Research and Development, this groundbreaking initiative will benefit physicians, Holter monitor manufacturers, and clinical trial implementers, ultimately enhancing diagnosis and treatment of paediatric heart conditions.

The impact of artificial intelligence on today’s mainstream clinical practice

Medical-grade algorithms in cardiology, powered by AI, are revolutionizing diagnosis, workflow, and patient outcomes. By automating ECG analysis, AI saves valuable physician time and enhances precision in detecting cardiovascular conditions. This technology streamlines workflows, improves access to care, and ensures patient safety, marking a significant advancement in healthcare. With AI integration, hospitals can achieve higher cost-effectiveness without compromising quality, ushering in a new era of precision medicine.

Swiss cardiologists and Cardiomatics algorithms fight the “epidemic” of our time.

Prof. Michael Kühne and Prof. Christine Meyer-Zürn are leading the SWISS-AF-Burden study at the University of Basel, investigating the impact of atrial fibrillation (AF) burden on cardiovascular incidents. Partnering with Cardiomatics, they aim to streamline research through AI-based ECG signal analysis. The study’s findings could influence future treatment recommendations, offering insights into personalized care approaches based on AF burden. Preliminary results are expected to reveal the association between AF burden and cardiovascular events, shaping more tailored patient management strategies.

Cybersecurity in healthcare – how to avoid data theft?

With healthcare technology advancing, cybersecurity is crucial to safeguard patient data from cyber threats. The EARS framework offers strategies for managing cyber incidents effectively, while cloud-based solutions like Cardiomatics provide secure data storage and monitoring. Organizations must prioritize cybersecurity to protect against evolving threats in the healthcare sector.

Hospitals are redesigning workflows in cardiology but the real shift requires trust in AI

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for innovation in healthcare, particularly in cardiology. Embracing digital health technologies like AI can alleviate burdens on clinicians, improve patient outcomes, and streamline workflows. Solutions like Cardiomatics’ AI-based ECG analysis platform offer promising opportunities for enhancing diagnostic accuracy and reducing administrative tasks, marking a significant step toward redefining standards of care in cardiology.

When cardiologists get busy, automation is welcome

Cardiomatics’ AI solution transforms cardiology by automating long-term ECG analysis, notably for detecting atrial fibrillation. It accelerates diagnostics, boosts precision, and conserves staff resources, revolutionizing patient care and empowering individuals in managing their cardiovascular health. This advancement marks a significant leap forward in cardiac diagnostics and therapy.

Why should healthcare switch to cloud AI services?

Cloud Computing is a major trend in the context of IT. This technology comes with major advantages that have helped its penetration in various sectors of the economy. In healthcare too cloud technology is on the advance. The COVID-19 crisis with positive examples of its application has added thrust. Germany, with its legacy of reluctance to embrace the cloud due to data privacy considerations, is also witnessing significant progress.